How It Works (+ audio)

Hello. Welcome to ebay disposal. My name is Paul. I am going to explain to you how ebay disposal works.
You will have seen our ad and decided to make contact with us - thank you.
Please remember as I proceed to explain, that because ebaydisposal works on percentage commission, it's in our best interests to do the best job for you so our goal is a win-win for both of us.
To begin, we will start with the seller - thats you.
You will send to ebay disposal multiple pictures of the item, or items, that you want to sell. In that email, you will also add in: a description of the item, including any faults. Your name, phone number, email and the address where the item is located.
If you want, before we proceed we can give you an appraisal for the item you wish to sell.
Then we will decide if you wish to auction the item, or perhaps you may wish to simply list the item at a specific 'buy it now' price. Whatever you choose is fine with me.
ebaydisposal will then list your item on ebay with the pictures you provided, plus any more generic pictures and descriptions we can find on the web.
Then your item will be listed on ebay at either the flat 'buy it now' price, or as an auction - depending on your choice. Auctions normally last for either 1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 days.
Assuming the item sells, the buyer will pay us via paypal and that money will be kept in trust for you. Then the buyer will make contact with you to arrange a time to pickup the item, or for you to post it to them.
As soon as the buyer has the item in their possession ebaydisposal will transfer the money to you via either bank deposit or paypal, of course less our commission and ebay fees. The commission and associated fees are outlined in the page titled 'Terms & Conditions'.

And that's it! I hope you've found this explanation satisfactory.

Before I finish, I just want to remind you that because we work on commission, it's in our best interests to do the best job for you.